Adventures in Fukuoka, Japan

Another little video post, this time a Vimeo video introducing the city of Fukuoka in Japan. We were lucky to visit Fukuoka on our last trip to Japan Christmas 2014. It was cold, but we loved it. The people are super friendly and there is so much to see and do in and around the […]
A Snowy Winter Day in Takayama

Aenean tellus metus, bibendum sed, posuere ac, mattis non, nunc. Vestibulum fringilla pede sit amet augue. In turpis. Pellentesque posuere. Praesent turpis. Aenean posuere, tortor sed cursus feugiat, nunc augue blandit nunc, eu sollicitudin urna dolor sagittis lacus. Donec elit libero, sodales nec, volutpat a, suscipit non, turpis. Nullam sagittis. Suspendisse pulvinar, augue ac venenatis […]